
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Gettin' Chilly - On to the 4th Dr.

Well, my fearless friends, I am off to the 4th Dr this week.  Hopefully this cat can kindly coerce whatever is in me out......of my foot that is.  Since my racing season was cut short or off for that matter, I am longing for the mountain bike, some singletrack, and some deep breathing exercises.  Hopefully on Friday we will know what is wrong and I can begin the road to recovery.   January 1st has a lot in store for me.  I have a new set of goals and what I believe are the means to achieve them.  Really, 365 days is not that many to be dedicated when one looks at the grand scheme of the fact that I have been on this Big Blue Marble somewhere in the neighborhood of 15,330 days.  Shit, I have even penned my 2012 manifesto and it may be as grand as Dostoevsky's Notes From the Underground.   There is only one way to tell and that is to heal and implement said manifesto with, um, gusto.  Off for a spin.  Out!

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