
Saturday, December 10, 2011


Definition of FRUSTRATION
1: the act of frustrating

2 a: the state or an instance of being frustrated
b: a deep chronic sense or state of insecurity and dissatisfaction arising from unresolved problems or                                          unfulfilled needs

You feel me?

It is a horrible thing to feel your fitness slip through your fingers like trying to keep a cup of motor oil in your palm.  I am riding, sometimes the same rides I trained on when fit, but, and there is always a but, I am having to ride a few cogs easier and it is still an effort.  There is still pain.  I cannot ride out of the saddle.  And riding more than a couple of days out on the road causes me much discomfort.  So this is what I have been doing for the rebab: 1 day out on the road 1.5-2.5 hours slow and low, 1 day on the trainer with a wicked spin but in a super easy gear - 45 mins-1 hour, rinse, repeat.  And while my weigh has not shot up a lot (only 8 lbs) my fitness is dwindling faster than a bag of weed at an Occupy Anything rally (what a bunch of retards those folk are, ehhhhh) but I diarrhea.....mean digress.  So it pains me to see my best fitness in years get hamstrung by injury, but I am old as fuck so it sort of stands to reason that I need to be careful.  Fuck that.  I am anything but careful.  So what am I gonna do?  I am gonna try to get 50 or 60 in on the road bike today and see what happens.  One-step-forward-two-steps-back-bitches.  That's me "old hard way" as Agro sometimes calls me.  I will let you know if I blow myself up.  With that I am going to leave you with 2 images: first is a race video that purddy much sums up why I race cross and the other is just hot.  Wanna hear it, here it go:

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