Sort of. It's on the other foot now. I was planning on racing yesterday but that goiter, family, and the course description got in the way. As it is, I will not be able to race for the next few weekends and yesterday was a 'just because' race so I nixed it; had plenty of shit to do as it was. Plus, I want some mud, please. And 3 weeks of 'heal' time, if you will pardon the pun.
Yup, me and ole El Agro got out and mixed it up on the dog track. He kicked ass and won his race, while I ended up in 9th for my first race back after a year off with injury. Not a bad outing, if I do say so myself.
Honestly, there is nothing quite like a Mt. Tam shred with a friend. We stole out early and made like thieves among the redwood trees and roots and rocks and had a brilliant shred. There is really no other way to say what happened other than we wore ear-to-ear smiles for the rest of the day.
There was one bad part. My MTB started screaming at me and I am as of yet unsure whether she be broke or not?????