First things first. Today, in the USA, marks a day of freedom, a day a group of downtrodden stood and made themselves heard, a day where a few voiced their displeasure against the many, a day for revolution against tyranny and anarchy rule. So get out there and stand up for what you believe. Me, well, I believe I will ride today. I will eat bbq ribs and fruit salad today. I will piss in public today, and flip off the powers that be. I will steal and lie and rise up against the current socialist regime. Nah, actually after ribs and fruit salad I made all that up. I truly don't care enough to do the rest. What do I want? I want to spend time with family and friends. You know what I am tired of? I could tell you and gripe until I am green but that would do nothing. So, instead, I shall take care of those close to me - you all know who you are - and get out on two wheels, and love my wife and my children and my dog but not the cat. I will eat til the seams want to bust. I will look the few people out there that piss me off, the one that pry's and sucks great big donkey balls in the face, the ONE of you, and tell you to check your own shit, cause it stinks to high heaven, like a constipation dump where there are actually strata of shit like Gneiss, shit an archaeologist would need tools to unearth ... and the smell, your smell, well ... now I am green. My bad.
Well, I shall leave you with a photo that is very American. Some may think this sexist. I beg to differ. This is gorgeous. Be thou a male or female. I think that about sums it up: