
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Gettin' Chilly - On to the 4th Dr.

Well, my fearless friends, I am off to the 4th Dr this week.  Hopefully this cat can kindly coerce whatever is in me out......of my foot that is.  Since my racing season was cut short or off for that matter, I am longing for the mountain bike, some singletrack, and some deep breathing exercises.  Hopefully on Friday we will know what is wrong and I can begin the road to recovery.   January 1st has a lot in store for me.  I have a new set of goals and what I believe are the means to achieve them.  Really, 365 days is not that many to be dedicated when one looks at the grand scheme of the fact that I have been on this Big Blue Marble somewhere in the neighborhood of 15,330 days.  Shit, I have even penned my 2012 manifesto and it may be as grand as Dostoevsky's Notes From the Underground.   There is only one way to tell and that is to heal and implement said manifesto with, um, gusto.  Off for a spin.  Out!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Who Says Cycling Ain't Sexy

The picture above is from the CyclePassions 2012 calender.  She is French. She is young.  She is hot.  She races 'cross.  Her name is Pauline Ferrand Prevot.  She deserves your attention.  She deserves equal prize money.  She deserves to start later in the day.  She deserves everything a man deserves.  As do all the other ladies out there, the ladies that can bury every last one of you reading this shit ass blog.  Me too.  Well, maybe.  

Singlespped World Champs at Golden Gate Park today.  Perfect weather.  Long shot call for the win - Derek Yarra.  Local boy makes good?  We shall see.   

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Thank You, Pretty Lady

So my Ninja skills of mind over matter are working and my sore ass feet are feeling better.  My left foot is 90% better and my right foot has seen the swelling drop an amazing 60% - and I rode out to Rancho Nicasio on Thursday in the biting crisp Fall air at about 80% effort with little to no pain.  We had rain yesterday so I took an easy spin on the trainer in the man cave for 45 mins but, and there is always a but, I will not bore you with trainer talk; today is about hot ladies in cars.  Sooooooooo, on my way back up and over LVR Thursday I passed the entrance to Lucas Ranch and as fate would have it a smoking hot person of the sex opposite me was coming out.  We made eye contact and, yup, she looked me up and down like a big ole stinky steak.......and........I liked it.  She even licked her chops a little bit.  Now I am no stranger to being pursued by women, they seem to like me A-OK.  I, for the obvious reasons, cracked a big ole smile after the chop licking incident and she, well, she smiled this demure and slightly embarassed smile that fairly screamed, "damn, he caught me and I don't care".  This, Lady Friend, made my day and I want to thank you for the ego boost.  Your timing could not have been better.  So remember when you make eye contact with someone smile.  I know this sounds sort of sappy but it's hella true - smile and you could make someone's day.  She did mine.  And it carries over.  Ladies in my building and at the coffee shop and everywhere started checking me out as well.  Why?  Well, because I am hot (laughing now)........actually, as many of you know being mentally fit can take you to the 90th percentile in any sport - it's the last 10% that rely on skill - even in the ways of the opposite sex.  So know that you are able and you will.................

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Life has been giving IT to me in the 2 hole........dry..........for the last 6 weeks.  I finally found a little fitness and not by accident, mind you.  And then my foot blows up.  Still have no idea - Dr appointment with the ortho Weds.  We shall see.  The Tranny on my Ford blew up and needs to be replaced - $4000.00 how you doin'.  The Spawn's football team has yet another playoff game and while I am proud of him, I am pissed that the season is so long; though in hindsight it really doesn't matter much cause my foot is toast.  Iam sick and have been.   Lost my fitness.  But I must say things are looking up.  I don't really think they can get much lower.  I been down so godamn long, that it looks like up to me.  I did catch this rat that has been haunting our pantry, killed it dead (pic to follow). 

Our stupid ass cat came face-to-face with the sucker and could do no damage.  Never send a pussy to do a man's job.  Ehhhh?  Ehhhh?  Weakness.  Anyway - off to hobble around.  This 'cross season looks done for the year.  Pisses me off.  Back to slow and low and long.  See you out there.